在胚胎移植前,通过先进的PGD/NGS/PGS技术对囊胚细胞切片进行基因筛查诊断,筛选出优质胚胎 ,可避免染色体异常或者患有家族性遗传疾病的人群将疾病遗传给下一代。
2月16日去医院验孕成功,也祝愿大家都好孕!去泰国做试管都会遇到一些问题。今天就分享关于泰国试管婴儿的攻略。 一般大家都是会去找中介或者是找在中国和泰国都有机构的诊所。我找的是后者。 泰国签证 ...
Prevalence of ectopic pregnancy is increasing with widening use of ART and better diagnosis due to ongoing improvements in ultrasound technology. In spite of this, the latest mortality rate was the...
The use of cell phones and the effects of lonizing radiation on male fertility has become an heal...
Evidence accumulated previously suggests that either unilateral or bilateral hydrosalpinges may e...
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), commonly referred to as testicular feminization, is the th...
Pregnancy covers a wide and diverse spectrum of development starting with fertilization and endin...
Diet and obesity are two important lifestyle factors that can influence spermatogenesis. Accompan...
在试管婴儿的治疗过程中,黄体酮的补充是一个关键环节。那么,黄体酮应该什么时候补?如果不小心忘记补充了又该怎么办呢? 首先,了解黄体酮的补充时机至关重要。一般来说,在试管婴儿胚胎移植后,就需要开始补...