在胚胎移植前,通过先进的PGD/NGS/PGS技术对囊胚细胞切片进行基因筛查诊断,筛选出优质胚胎 ,可避免染色体异常或者患有家族性遗传疾病的人群将疾病遗传给下一代。
成功案例|男同渴望做父亲赴泰试管得偿所愿 W先生是北方人,在南方一家知名外资企业工作,随着年岁渐长,家里催婚催育的压力越来越大。本来,他和很多男同志一样,到了30岁这个年纪,就开始考虑找人假结婚。但...
Diet and obesity are two important lifestyle factors that can influence spermatogenesis. Accompanying modern Westernized lifestyles are changes in diets and eating habits that are a result of a fas...
With the new advances in cryotechnology, the cryopreservation of surgically retrieved spermatozoa...
Prevalence of ectopic pregnancy is increasing with widening use of ART and better diagnosis due t...
Endometrial pattern 内膜形态 The importance of endometrial pattern and thickness to success...
Patients with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) should be evaluated to determine if...
High pregnancy rates, ranging between 34% and 88%, have been reported in women with ovarian hyper...
对于通过试管婴儿技术成功受孕的准妈妈们来说,试管移植成功只是迈向新生命诞生的第一步,后续的保胎工作同样至关重要。而黄体酮在这一过程中发挥着关键作用。那么,试管移植成功后黄体酮应该怎么用呢? 首先,...