在胚胎移植前,通过先进的PGD/NGS/PGS技术对囊胚细胞切片进行基因筛查诊断,筛选出优质胚胎 ,可避免染色体异常或者患有家族性遗传疾病的人群将疾病遗传给下一代。
“取卵手术疼吗?”在泰国,许多人在选择试管婴儿治疗之前都害怕疼痛。张女士将在下面分享她在曼谷CEF的治疗经验。 我个人非常害怕疼痛。取卵前我非常紧张,所以我选择了全身麻醉,之后我睡了一会儿。我醒来时被...
Diet and obesity are two important lifestyle factors that can influence spermatogenesis. Accompanying modern Westernized lifestyles are changes in diets and eating habits that are a result of a fas...
Miscarriage and pregnancy appear to be associated with increased oxidative stress. 流产和妊娠...
The presence of anuclear small cellular fragmentation is the norm in in vitro cultured human embr...
Clomiphene citrate (CC) is a nonsteriodal triphenylethylene derivative that exhibits both estroge...
The most relevant and recent evidences suggest that failed implantation due to embryo aneuploidy ...
Evidence accumulated previously suggests that either unilateral or bilateral hydrosalpinges may e...
在 2024 年,随着医疗技术的不断进步和相关政策的完善,对于想要进行试管婴儿的夫妇来说,仍需要满足一定的要求才能顺利开展这一辅助生殖技术。 首先,法律和伦理方面的要求是至关重要的。夫妇双方必须是合法...